Saturday, July 25, 2009

How Far Would You Go?...

Alright...I know I haven't posted in FOREVER but I'm trying to be more consistent.

Okay, anyway...I just read a blog post on purity. It got me to thinking about what purity really is. The dictionary definition is, the quality or condition of being pure.

What is purity to you, how would YOU define it? There are lots of different areas of purity such as, purity in your speech. Are you a gossip or do you lie about things? There is purity in your thoughts, what goes one up there, and would it glorify Christ? And there's also sexual purity. So many people, who claim Christ, struggle with this breach of purity. I, being one of them. I am in no way pointing a finger at, or looking down on those who struggle with this...I'm just asking, how far would you go?

Maybe you're the person who is saving their very first kiss for the alter. If so, then right on! Good for you. But, then again, maybe you're the person who gives just a little bit, then a little bit more, and then before you know it, you've given almost all of it away, but stopped just short of your boundary line. You started out with good intentions...but he just had this way about him, and you didn't end up being as strong as you thought. You went too far, maybe not all the way, but still it was too far.

As I'm writing this, memories are running through my mind. Not good memories, but memories I wish so badly I could forget. Memories that make my stomach knot and my head spin. I ask myself. Why? Why did I let my emotions get the better of me? Why didn't I listen to my friends and family? Why didn't I heed God's warning signs? Why?...because I am a stupid, weak, selfish sinner. The only thing that can save me from those feelings is the thought that I am indeed forgiven. I am forgiven by a God that knew, even before the world began, that I would stumble, and I would fall, and by His strength once again be able to stand.

Now, how far, would you say, is too far? You set up boundaries. Lines that you're determined not to cross. Yet, in the heat of the moment, with you're emotions running wild, you forget those boundaries, and lines are crossed. So, the only way to keep yourself from the possibility of going too far, is to FLEE from that temptation all together. Maybe that means you shouldn't go off alone with your boyfriend for too long, or at all. Or maybe you shouldn't hang out with those friends that have no boundaries and pressure you to do things. Or maybe you shouldn't have a boyfriend at all. What ever it is, flee from it, and stay as far away as you possibly can, until you know that you have the strength and self-control to be in that situation. It may be very VERY hard (I know for a fact it is), but if God is your strength, you can do all things.

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