Friday, March 20, 2009

The Issuse Of Insecurity...

Insecurity is one on my biggest battles. I struggle with it so often, and still seem to be losing. My thought is that, being at girl, we (or at least I am) are programmed to be insecure. Some of my insecurity issues (I am really critical of myself) are: clothing, hair, face (blemishes, dryness, eyebrows, makeup, etc...), ears (mine stick out like an I don't pull my hair much), and my smile (I said I was critical). I have just recently noticed that I have a crooked smile. The right side of my bottom lip goes down farther than the left side. I asked my mom if she ever noticed it, and she said "Oh yeah, but don't even try to straighten it out, because then it wont be your smile". Thanks mom.

Anyway, I have lots of insecurity issues that cloud my mind when I'm out. Wheather it be at church, with friends, or at a party, but then I "remeber to forget". I say that because when I remember that the people around me like me for me, not for my clothes, looks, etc... I forget about my insecurity. Also, I wouldn't really want friends that looked only on the outside apperance. I'd want the ones that looked past that. It's like they say, "Dont judge a book by it's cover", or as I say "a girl by her makeup".

1 comment:

priscilla joy said...

Oh yes, Joss. Count me in that insecure boat. I worry frequnetly about how my nose is too big, or my hands are to big, or not thin enough. I honestly think we are the worst critiqes ever, because whenever I see pictures of you Joss I am proud to call you mr friend. For knowing you 17 years, I've never noticed your ears. And your smile, I have always though it was quite cute and of a Jossie smile. You know how some people have their own smiles, I've thought you were one of those people. I love you JW and I KNOW God loves you just the way you are and I KNOW Mr.Right will TOO. =)